Apr 222015

GameAudioPodcast2012_08Game Audio Podcast – Episode #54 – Beep Education

We are joined by Dr. Karen Collins to talk about Education, the Beep Documentary, and the continuing saga of world-traveling after a successful Kickstarter. Beep composer Leonard Paul talks about his role in the documentary, his roots in Procedural Audio and The School of Video Game Audio. While Damian wraps his head around first meeting the two of them in 2006. There will also be a tale of death-metal roosters, Anton and Pinar’s review of the Hiss and a Roar Friction library plus TonSturm’s Explosions Library, and DB will drop another of her delightful VO vignettes. An email from Alex Quartermain covers something special.


Special Time Limited discount code for Hiss and a Roar Friction: “gameaudio”.

Hiss and a Roar – SD016 FRICTION – TonSturm Masssive Explosions – Digging in the CartsTonebendersRob Bridgett – From the Shadows of Film SoundKaren Collins – Game SoundWinifred Phillips – A Composers Guide to Game MusicGeorge Sanger – Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness – Learning Audio Middleware Online: Where to Start?: Berrak Nil

Beep: A Documentary History of Video Game Music & Sound