
Apr 302019

The 2019 Game Audio Podcast GDC Morning Meetup kicks-off at a new location in the Sennheiser SF retail store bright and early Thursday morning at 7:30am.

Thursday’s co-host Estefanía Romero-Cors steps in to lend valuable perspective to conversation and brings some delightful ideas to the interactive-ambisonic-sound-library section. Tune-in for stories from the Expo floor, VR DJ Software, Custom “Ear print” Headphone conversations, and much more!

In addition to increasing accessibility for the recording, the noise floor and recording quality (Thanks to a loaner MixPre6 from Chris Burgess and Sennheiser AMBEO microphone) align for the best sounding #GameAudioGDC podcasts yet!

Apr 252019

The 2019 Game Audio Podcast GDC Morning Meetup kicks-off at a new location in the Sennheiser SF retail store bright and early Wednesday morning at 7:30am.

In addition to increasing accessibility for the recording, the noise floor and recording quality (Thanks to a loaner MixPre6 from Chris Burgess and Sennheiser AMBEO microphone) align for the best sounding #GameAudioGDC podcasts yet!

Wednesday’s co-host Isabella Ness steps in to lend valuable perspective to conversation.

Apr 222015

GameAudioPodcast2012_08Game Audio Podcast – Episode #54 – Beep Education

We are joined by Dr. Karen Collins to talk about Education, the Beep Documentary, and the continuing saga of world-traveling after a successful Kickstarter. Beep composer Leonard Paul talks about his role in the documentary, his roots in Procedural Audio and The School of Video Game Audio. While Damian wraps his head around first meeting the two of them in 2006. There will also be a tale of death-metal roosters, Anton and Pinar’s review of the Hiss and a Roar Friction library plus TonSturm’s Explosions Library, and DB will drop another of her delightful VO vignettes. An email from Alex Quartermain covers something special.


Special Time Limited discount code for Hiss and a Roar Friction: “gameaudio”.

Hiss and a Roar – SD016 FRICTION – TonSturm Masssive Explosions – Digging in the CartsTonebendersRob Bridgett – From the Shadows of Film SoundKaren Collins – Game SoundWinifred Phillips – A Composers Guide to Game MusicGeorge Sanger – Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness – Learning Audio Middleware Online: Where to Start?: Berrak Nil

Beep: A Documentary History of Video Game Music & Sound

Dec 212014

GAP_LOGO20141201Something is happening and you don’t know what it is…do you, Mr. Jones.


0:00 intro

03:00 NASA/ESA

05:15 Heavy/Procedural

14:00 Designing Sound Patch a Day, Anton’s patches.

17:52 Montreal Independent Game Summit

31:00 Bryan Higa getting in GDC2013

33:00 Games we’ve been playing, Sailors Dream, Peggle 2

37:15 Favorite Sound

40:00 contact microphones


Mar 272013

This morning finds a loose knit group of game audio vagabonds rounding up after Tuesdays inaugural audio bootcamp. As the slow trickle of Sightglass coffee begins to flow within the bloodstream we recap the events of yesterday and get down with some topical conversations.

Mar 232013


0:08:00 Part I – “Dyadness”
This episode finds Damian and Anton wading in deep with the creators of DYAD,David Kananga & Shawn McGrath, and explore the synergy between game design, music, sound, and programming. A fascinating discussion ensues exposing the heart of game design and how it influences the music and sound design of this unique title.
Edited by C. Cody Flick

1:08:00 Part II – “Loudness II”
After Stefan Rutherford sent us an email with some questions regarding loudness & studio setup we decided to round up with Garry Taylor (SCEE) and Stefan to dig into this field. Especially since Garry managed to escape us at AES in London. We talk about the ASWG R-001 recommendation.
Edited by Stefan Rutherford

1:45:44 Part III – “In the Field”
Anton interviews musician, field recordist, and sound designer Inge van den Kroonenberg about her recent trip to the In the Field – Symposium for Field Recording in London. Discussion of “recording aural history to experience and remember”, the crossover of music and field recording, and inspiring sound ideas.
Edited by our new editor, Naila Burney.

2:02:44 Outro
We take it out after 2 hours. See you at GDC!

May 012012

Game Audio Podcast #18 – Racing Games

Special Guests:

Mike Caviezel – Microsoft Sound Lab

Mike de Belle – Freelance

Tim Bartlett – The Audio Guys Ltd.

Edited by Andrew Quinn (Master of Sound)


We round up with a posse of petrol-heads huddled around a microphone over in the UK to discuss the fine art of racing game sound. This is a unique conversation with three guys who have lived deep in the bowels of vehicle engine simulations. They bring a hospitable vibe to the often elusive racing game genre and let slip more than a few tasty nuggets of wisdom.

This podcast is being released in conjunction with the Racing Game Sound Study that was undertaken by Damian and David Nichols in an effort to expose the technical side of game audio by making an assessment of current generation titles.

Other aspects of the study can be found at:

Lost Chocolate Lab – Racing Game Sound Study

Track Time Audio – Racing Game Sound Study

Dec 202010

Episode #7:

Discussion: Mushroom Men

– Made for the Metronome

– Special Guest:

Matt Piersall: Gl33k

– Transcription:

You can find a transcription of the interview at DesigningSound.org as part of the Audio Implementation Greats.


Gl33k Game Audio , LCL AESSF 2010 , LCL Informal Footstep Study



Please send any email for the podcast to inbox at gameaudiopodcast dot com

Your feedback is very welcome. But also we welcome music, sound design, field recordings that you might want to share with the community. You will be credited and linked on the site.

Oct 012010

Episode #6:

Discussion: Independent Sound Libraries

– Special Guests:

Miguel Isaza

Chuck Russom


Unity Adds new Audio Features , PaulStretch , S.P.E.A.R. , WWise Convolution Reverb , Chuck RussomFX , Miguel Isaza – Sound Stories , DesigningSound SFX Independence , LostChocolateLab – Content is King , Michael Raphael – Rabbit Ears Audio , Colin Hart – HartFX , Frank Bry – The Recordist , Develop – Nicolas Fournel , Anton’s Audio Blog , Audio Implementation Greats: Debug , Richard Divine: 1000 Maggots

Please send any email for the podcast to inbox at gameaudiopodcast dot com

Your feedback is very welcome. But also we welcome music, sound design, field recordings that you might want to share with the community. You will be credited and linked on the site.

Feb 042010

GAP Episode #3

Right click and save file as

Episode #3:

Discussion: Interactive & Dynamic Music

– Special Guests:

Vincent Diamante – Composer/ Sound Designer

Scott Morton Composer/ Sound Designer

Wilbert Roget, II Composer, Music Editor/ Implementer

-News Links:

Game Audio Forum: Tutorials –  Hybrid Reverb2Zappa IRWwise 2009.3Korg DS10+ NDS ToneSynth –  Audio Implementation Greats – Flower Playthrough Video’s – Conan Interactive Music Video’s

Please send any email for the podcast to inbox at gameaudiopodcast dot com

Your feedback is very welcome. But also we welcome music, sound design, field recordings that you might want to share with the community. You will be credited and linked on the site.